Monday, March 28, 2011


Where do love stand in 2011? Where will it be ten years from now?

When you think of love what do you think about? A chemistry between two lovers that is never ending and forever lasting, carrying on through time as they are happily enjoying their lives together? Do you often find yourself wishing or even longing for that kind of chemistry but yet feel as if something so romantic will never come your way?

Maybe you even seek love. Constantly bouncing from one person to the next hoping for that day you find that one that carries this love you are after. Or is love just a thing of the past? Is there a new form of love that only exists between the sheets?

Is the new trend of love is to cheat on the one you love where being faithful to one person no longer exist because love is now viewed as chemistry shared within the intercourse of one another?

All these questions arise now. Not only between adults but more so between teenagers and young adults. The value of relationship is declining as more people spend additional time deceiving one another. Pretending to love faithfully or even care truly for each other while cheating behind one’s back with another mate.

The meaning of love is slowly fading as people are constantly accepting poor behavior because they are scared of being alone; scared to move on to something new even though that something new could be something better.

I’m starting this blog to have an area to discuss the topics that exist now-a-days within the word love. And if you are interested, keep in touch because more will be posted…